Big thanks to the following
TimeText.mcc is Copyright 1997 Kai Hofmann
NList.mcc is Copyright 1996-1998 Gilles Masson.
reqtools.library is Copyright 1997 Magnus Holmgren.
I also want to thank the following people
Peter "Vital" Eriksson Always helping me with programming problems and for being my numero uno betatester !
Michael Schwendt For the original SidPlay and for making his source Freeware.
Phill Wooller For the Amiga port of SidPlay. It gave me nice music while writing my player =)
Martin Blom Thanks for AHI, the great hardware independent sound-output device for the Amiga. Without it, this SID-Player would probably not exist. I also wan't to thank him for all his help to get my ahi-code to work properly.
Stephane Tavenard Thanks for letting me use your nice buttons from SongPlayer.